house extension tips

What needs to be considered before a home extension

There are many things that should to be considered in detail before you start a home extension. We will run you through the process such as design, planning application, construction, general costs, etc. However, firstly you should really take time to understand the fundamental reason why you are building a home extension and what you wish to achieve. Some questions that might spark some thoughts are:
  • Do you really like your neighbours, neighbourhood, local schools and amenities and wish to stay in your home?
  • Are you looking to add value to your home and sell it in the near to medium term?
  • How are you going to pay for the home extension? What is your overall budget? What happens if you exceed your budget?
  • Do you have major life events coming up that might get in the way of a house extension such as a wedding, babies, etc?
  • Where would you live during the renovation? Would you live in the house whilst its being renovated?

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